
Senior women walking at the beach

“Life doesn't end with menopause; it's the beginning of a new adventure.”
- Helen Mirren

Micronutrients are important for women during peri- and postmenopause

Women’s health requires special attention at all stages of life. Sound information about pregnancy, menstruation and menopause helps women improve their health, enhance their well-being and prevent illness. Women’s health, once underrepresented, is receiving increasing public attention.

A new generation of women

Peri- and postmenopause are among the most challenging times in a woman’s life. The body undergoes major changes, which are accompanied by various physical and mental symptoms. Within the last years a new generation of women has emerged who are active, open, well-informed and no longer prepared to keep quiet about this life phase.

Smiling women at a table


For a long time menopause was a taboo subject and hot flushes, sleep disorders or cycle problems were topics of discussion only among those affected – but not for the public. That is now a thing of the past.

menopause graphic

The different stages of peri-, post- and menopause

Perimenopause: The female body in transition

Estrogen plays a vital role in many metabolic pathways. For instance, it inhibits inflammation of neurons and glial cells, and controls memory. It is cardioprotective and prevents osteoporosis. Perimenopause is associated with a marked decrease in ovarian estrogen production, which leads to symptoms and an increased risk of diseases. Women may suffer from hot flashes, sleep problems, mood changes and memory problems, and are at higher risk for cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, depression, immune disfunction and osteoporosis, among others.

Micronutrients - the foundation of women's health

An adequate supply of micronutrients plays an important role in overall well-being during the peri- and postmenopausal periods. However, studies show that women’s intake of some vitamins and minerals is not optimal, even in Europe. For example, Vitamin D, iron and iodine are considered critical micronutrients for women.

The following vitamins and minerals are relevant during peri- and postmenopause:

Vitamin D, K2, calcium Build and maintain adequate bone density 
B-vitaminsSupport mental well-being and cognitive performance, reduce tiredness and fatigue 
B-vitamins, Vitamins C, D, E, zinc, seleniumHave immunomodulatory effects, assist in antibody production and act as free-radical scavengers
Vitamin B6Regulate hormonal activity
Vitamins B1, K2, D, magnesium, calcium Support cardiovascular health 
Chromium Important for normal blood sugar levels 
Vitamin D, calcium Support a healthy gut microbiome 

More studies on the impact of micronutrients and functional ingredients on the health of peri- and postmenopausal women are needed, and will certainly be carried out in the coming years.

New market opportunity for the food, beverage, and supplement industry

In general, more studies on the impact of micronutrients and functional ingredients on health
of peri- and postmenopausal women are needed and will certainly be carried out in the
coming years.

woman taking a pill


This offers the food, beverage and supplement industry the opportunity to develop products customized to the needs of women during this stage. Micronutrients and other functional ingredients give products added value and offer the opportunity to promote certain health goals through health claims.